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Mental Health 24-Hour Crisis Line

Need someone to talk to?  Problems with drugs?  Alcohol?  Depression?  Mental health?  Suicidal thoughts?


or text 44673

Or call or text 988



To report an elementary harassment/intimidation/bullying issue, click here.

To report a high school harassment/intimidation/bullying issue, click here.


Emergency Response Protocol

Our protocols can now be found under documents. If you have questions, please ask your school principal. 


Special Education Procedures and Practices

Actual procedures and practices can be located in the District Shared Drive.

     45 Day Screeners can be found under forms.  



Teachers and administrators can work on our student management system from home.  Click here for the URL.  


Injured on-the-job

Life threatening or requires immediate medical attention, call 911 then contact the on-call triage nurse when you are able.  If not, meet with your supervisor or site nurse and contact the Alliance on-call triage nurse. 

1-(888) 252-4689

Press 2 for the on-call triage nurse

Press 3 if you have already received medical attention

If you have questions regarding the Alliance on-call triage nurse program, please call 1 (800) 266-4911 and press 4 for Member.


Optional Retirement Plan

First Financial Administrators, Inc. is our employer’s 403(b) administrator and they have provided the attached information about the 403(b) plan.

As the new school year approaches we would like to provide you with some details on saving for your retirement. Please see the attached 403(b) FAQ Handout that provides you reasons to consider a 403(b) plan. Saving for retirement has never been easier: you elect the authorized provider in the plan that you want to contribute to and establish an account with an agent, then you elect the amount and the date to start by submitting a Salary Reduction Agreement. Contributions can start and stop anytime throughout the year.

Universal Availability Notice: First Financial Administrators, Inc. is also pleased to present your Universal Availability Notice for use by employers that sponsor 403(b) plans. The IRS Universal Availability requires all employees the opportunity to contribute to a 403(b) plan regardless of hours worked.

Please refer to our website address for all of your plan information such as: plans offered, approved vendors, summary of options, due dates, forms, your rules for solicitation and your Retirement Specialist name, number and email.

Thank you for providing First Financial Administrators, Inc. with the opportunity to be of service to you.

If you have any questions, please contact your Retirement Specialist at 800-523-8422.

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